Diversity & Impact

Did you know?

We are the biggest in Sub-saharan africa — Over 500 branches  Footprints in 33 states  5M+ clients.

Riverside Microfinance Bank has embraced the challenge of serving the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with our responsive, pacesetting and innovative financial products. Our services enable low-income households enhance their productive capacity, build and consolidate their economic base and manage risk.

We constantly aim at improving the lives of the underprivileged through our pioneering services, over 3, 000 Clients children have benefited from our scholarship scheme and over 600 people have benefited from our skills acquisition program.

Our clients are also socially empowered through our services as they gain self-respect and self-confidence by not only successfully utilizing the loans for the benefit of their businesses and family life but also ensuring the prompt repayment of such loans along with the interest.

Our History

Discover our past, present, and future — the evolution of our brand and the place we have in Nigeria Banking world.